Thursday, 17 January 2013

Day 9: From Salt Lake City to Reno

Today was an uneventful day driving from Salt Lake City to Reno. We had lots of fog in the beginning but it eventually cleared up and we had nice weather in Nevada.

We are spending the night with Betsy and Dan so we don't really have time for the blog. Tomorrow we'll drive to San Francisco. We are both a little bit sad to finish the trip but are also really looking forward to settling down.

1 comment:

  1. Je sais que vous êtes arrivés et installés même s'il n'y a pas de nouveau post.
    Merci de m'avoir fait vivre par procuration ce merveilleux voyage. Sur ce parcours, la géographie et les curiosités des States n'ont plus de secrets pour moi. Je suis devenue incollable sur les états de l'Union.
    Bises à vous deux, Mutti
